Tuesday 12 July 2016

How To Play Pokémon Go In Ghana Or Any Other Country In Africa.

You may have heard the newly released Pokémon Go virtual game. For weeks, the game has gotten people to be hunting for Pokémon in bathrooms ,hospitals, offices ,beaches and others. One teenage girl even found a dead body while hunting for Pokémon. This virtual world of Pokémon has captured the world's fun for some days now.
Pokémon Go uses your phone’s GPS and clock to detect where and when you are in the game and make Pokémon "appear" around you (on your phone screen) so you can go and catch them. As you move around, different and more types of Pokémon will appear depending on where you are and what time it is. The idea is to encourage you to travel around the real world to catch Pokémon in the game. (This combination of a game and the real world interacting is known as "augmented reality." More on that later.)

While the worldwide release for Pokemon GO isn’t exactly “worldwide’, there is a work around which allows users outside of Australia and New Zealand, like us in Africa, to experience the world of Pokemon for ourselves.

If you have an Android device, there is an extremely easy way to run the game on your device while you wait for the official South African release to be announced. Unfortunately, iOS users will have to wait a while longer as an Apple-friendly version has yet been made available.

To run it in your region simply download the APK File online and transfer it to your device – you can simply email the APK link to yourself and download it onto your phone.

All phones are factory set to block unofficial APK files so you will need to turn this setting off before you can install it.

Go to Settings on your phone and switch to the “general” tab, if needed.

    Tap on the “Security” option.
    Tick the checkbox next to the “Unknown Sources” option.
    Confirm the warning message by tapping on “OK”

Once that is done, you can go into your phone’s file browser and it will allow the APK to be run. The application will now take you to an installation screen, featuring the Pokemon GO logo and its background music (something that almost killed my ears at 100 percent Volume). Once that is complete you will be taken to a date of birth screen.

Once you have read the basic introductions to the game you will be asked to choose your characters gender, along with some character design details. When you have done all of that,and accepted the terms and condition,s you are well on your way to exploring the outside world.

The application itself is free-to-play and is reportedly working worldwide (the game itself relies on your phone’s location tracker to generate the in-game world). Travel to the beachfront to capture water Pokémon, or search for gyms around the block. 

Enjoy!!! Don't forget to comment

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