Just as Italy is known for pizza and pasta, the Chinese known for noodles, Ghana is not known for just one dish. In every region you go to, they have one dish they adore and which is the most popularly consumed food. Here are the known dishes in all the ten regions of Ghana.
1. Greater Accra – Kenkey & Fish
When in
Accra, the commonest food around is Kenkey and Fish. Although there are
many other dishes, this is what they are commonly known for.
2. Eastern Region – Fufusa among the Krobo, Plantain With Kontonmire Stew, Nyumah and Fufu and Palm nut soup Among the Akuapems
Eastern region mainly comprises of the Krobos and Akuapems. The food the
Akuapems are well known for is Fufu and Palmnut soup and mashed cocoyam
in palm oil referred to as, “nyumah”. Snails are also a delicacy in the
Eastern region. They also love plantain with Kontonmire stew. The
Krobos are crazy about Fufusa and Kokonte with pepper sauce.
3. Central Region – Etew
The Fantis from central region are well known for Etew.
4. Western Region – Fante Dokunu
The Fantis in Western region love their Kenkey popularly called Fante Kenkey.
5. Volta Region – Akple & Yaka Yaka & Abolo With Okro Stew
Some of the main dishes loved by majority of the Voltarians are Akple, Yakayaka, Abolo and Banku and Okro Stew
6. Ashanti Region – Fufu with Abunoabuno Nkwan (Green Soup) with Bush Meat
Ashantis are fond of fufu with Abunuabunu nkwan (green leafy soup) with bush meat.
7. Brong Ahafo Region – Ampesi
The Brong Ahafo Region natives are known to be major producers of yam. Yam ampesi is not an issue for them.
8. Northern Region – Rice Balls With Groundnut soup mixed with beans and TZ with Ayoyo Soup
In the
Northern Region, some of their favourite dishes are rice balls with
groundnut soup mixed with beans and Tuo Zaafi with Ayoyo Soup.
9. Upper West Region – Tubaani and TZ with Ayoyo and Zomkom
Those from the Upper West love Tubaani and TZ with Ayoyo soup and Zomkom is the drink they use to wash it down.
10. Upper East Region – Rice Balls With Groundnut soup mixed with cowpea beans and goes with Pito.
The Upper East people are also fond of rice balls with groundnut soup mixed with cowpea beans and washes it down with Pito.
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