Wednesday 6 July 2016

Check Out How The M.anifest-Sarkodie Beef Started. It All Started From Here

By now we are sure most of you know what’s going on between Sarkodie and Manifest but the mystery still remains as to who jabbed who first.

Many are of the view that Sarkodie started it by dissing Manifest on his ‘Bossy’ track and some also think this is not so because all Sarkodie said was to borrow Manifest’s signature to end his verse and this happened at the end of the track.

But a deep listen to the song from the beginning and you could tell Sarkodie was actually throwing jabs and to end it with Manifest’s signature makes it suspicious.

It is obvious Manifest could read in between the lines and picked most of his lines and replied him accordingly in his “god MC” track, let’s take a look at some of the lines in his lyrics and link them to what Sarkodie said and see if we are on point.

1. Sarkodie said,

    “Manifest meserĪµ wo lemme just use your ‘dor dor dor ti dor’ to end this verse”

Manifest Replies,

    “Go to the market, buy yourself some manners. Don’t use my name in vain. That’s just for starters”

2. Sarkodie Said, 

“Mehn I’m feeling bossy”

Manifest Replies,

“When the boss is around who can you boss around?”

3. Sarkodie Said,

    “I’m a king but I don’t feel I gotta wear a crown, Bossy”

Manifest Replies,

    “What’s a king to a god emcee?”

4. Sarkodie said,

    “Omo se Sarkodie ndropi punches. I can do it really but the point is, wo rapi na wo punchi pii aa Joe you sound immature.”

Manifest Replies,

    “We some intelligent niggas that cannot dumb it down. Even my nonfa back then had sense in it”

So there you have it, it is clear Manifest did not take it kindly with what Sarkodie did in his Bossy track. If we missed any you captured, you can leave it in our comment box and let the fun continue. Listen to “Kanta” and “god MC” here.

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