Tuesday 9 August 2016

This lady seems to be the prophet of our days. She is blind, but she predicted such events as the falling of the twin towers in USA and tsunami in 2004. Hear what she has to say for the year 2016. 

They say that almost 70 percent of all her predictions have come true. In the past, she has foreseen such a notable and horrible event as the falling down of the Twin Towers in America. For this year she predicted the invasion of Muslims into the Europe. Amazingly, enough she has made predictions for the upcoming several thousands of years.

Here is what she said about the towers:

Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.

She made the prophecy in 1989 and at that time no one has taken it seriously. Unfortunately 25 years later it has come to pass. The woman’s name is Baba Vanga. She was born in Macedonia, in Europe. Being 12 years of age she lost her sight. A tornado took her up and they found her later on alive, but blind.

At the age of 16 Vanga has made her first prediction. As to the twin towers, she mentioned the bushes, and at that time President Bush was in charge in America.

Here is a timeline for her predictions for the years to come:

2016 Europe will be invaded by Muslims.
2023 Major changes in the Earth’s orbit will take place.
2025 Europe’s population will disappear, resulting in wars.
2028 People will attempt to travel to other planets like Venus to find other sources of energy to Earth.
2076 Communism will return to Europe and will be contagious to the rest of the world.

2084 Nature’s rebirth.
2100 A new sun will illuminate the dark side of the planet due to a scientific project that began in 2008 which will create an artificial sun through nuclear energy.
2130 Extraterrestrial civilization will reach Earth.
2130 Aliens will help man to be able to live underwater.
2133 Poles will melt and water levels will rise.
2170 There will be global drought.
2187 Eruption of two large volcanoes will take place.
2262 A comet threatens Mars.
2480 Earth will be in total darkness as two artificial sun collides.
3005 The trajectory of the planet will change because of a war on Mars.
3010 Earth will be covered by a ring of rocks and ashes as a comet reaches the moon.
3797 End of the world, but mankind has moved to a new solar system.
5079 End of the universe.

She predicted the Twin Towers' fall, hear more Fascinating predictions for the years to come

Wednesday 3 August 2016


Everyone and their mothers seem to be going natural these days and that’s really great!

If you’re planning on joining the naturalistas’ bandwagon, if you didn’t already know, it’s not as easy as it seems!

Here are the basic must-have items that everyone transitioning into a naturalista needs:

1. Coconut oil

This will prevent your hair from drying and helps in achieving curls when doing twist outs.
coconut oil for the hair


2. Bobby pins

You will need bobby pins to help you style your natural hair.
bobby pins fro natural hair


3. Leave in conditioner

To soften your hair, making it easy to comb out and it also moisturizes the hair.
leave in conditioner for natural hair


4. Elastic hair bands

To achieve all the different natural hairstyles out there!

Images by: 360 Nobs

5. Satin scarf

To make your hair appear smooth and wavy, especially when you’re going for a bun look. Simply moisturize your hair, tie a satin scarf and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
satin scarf for


6. Styling gel

Naturalistas use a little bit of styling gel on the hair edges just to make sure that the edges look neat.

styling gel for natural hair


7. Afro comb

And also a hair brush!

 Source: yen.com

7 Natural Hair Tips Every Woman Needs

Here is a story of a man named Dashrath Manjhi, who did not build a Mansion for his wife BUT moved a mountain for 22 years!

Man who moved a mountain- Dasthrath Manjhi

Manjhi’s wife, Falguni Devi, fell down from a mountain and ultimately died due to lack of medical treatment because the nearest town with a Doctor was 70 km away from their village in Bihar, India.

Devastated by her loss, Manjhi wanted to ensure no one else dies without medical care like his wife.

Dashrath Manjhi sold his goats and bought a hammer, chisel, and crowbar.
Man who moved a mountain- Dasthrath Manjhi

So, he single-handedly carved a 360 foot long (110m), 25 foot high (7.6m) and 30 foot wide (9.1m) road by cutting a mountain for 22 years.
Man who moved a mountain- Dasthrath Manjhi

His feat reduced the distance from his village to hospital from 70kms to just 1 km.

Ultimately a proper road was made after 22 years of his intense struggle.
Man who moved a mountain- Dasthrath Manjhi

That was not all…

He once decided that he had to visit Delhi and meet the President of India but he did not have enough money to buy a train ticket.

So what did he do?

He decided to walk all the way to Delhi, a distance of over one thousand kilometers, along the railway tracks.
Man who moved a mountain- Dasthrath Manjhi

He did reach Delhi but could not meet the President.

But Manjhi did meet Nitish Kumar at a Janata Durbar in Patna. Nitish Kumar had stood up in reverence to the Mountain Man and even made him sit on the Chief Minister’s chair.
Man who moved a mountain- Dasthrath Manjhi

Dashrath Manjhi died on 17 August 2007 at AIIMS hospital in Delhi. He was suffering from cancer of gall bladder.

To honor Dashrath Manjhi, the Bihar government had announced to name the road built by the Mountain Man as Dashrath Manjhi Road and that hospital in Atri village in Gaya (which is yet to be built), to be named after him.

It is unfortunate that Dashrath will not be there to lay the foundation stone when that road is fully developed, but we are sure that his story of determination and courage will continue to be the source of inspiration for the world.
Man who moved a mountain- Dasthrath Manjhi

On August 17, 2007, Dashrath Manjhi, the man who moved a mountain lost his battle with cancer. All that he had done was for no personal gain. “I started this work out of love for my wife, but continued it for my people. If I did not, no one would.” Manjhi’s words reflect the reality of our world.

Now that he is gone, his people are still poor. There are electricity poles, but no electricity; a tube well, but no water; no real hospital, no real livelihoods, little education. Manjhi’s son lost his own wife recently to an illness.

After all these years, their fate was sealed by another mountain: poverty, the inability to pay for a doctor, for all the necessary treatment on time.

Isn’t it time we made a CHANGE!?

How often do you make the choice to make the change?

Here’s your chance NOW!

How often have you looked at a problem and told to yourself that I’m not going to wait for the authorities, I’m going to solve it myself? How often do you make the CHOICE to make the wanted CHANGE happen for the country?

It’s time to pick up the hammer ourselves and start chipping away at the seemingly insurmountable mountains that surround us.

Today, the world needs you to Do-It-Yourself because ‘Charity begins at home’!

Source: www.comedyflavors.com

The Man Who Moved A Mountain: This Inspirational Facts About Dashrath Manjhi will put you to Tears

Friday 29 July 2016

Everyone loves Snapchat for posting photos and video that last 24hrs, to make things more fun they’ve added filters to the mix that have become very popular over the past few months, even makeup artists have been trying to recreate the look in reality now (click here if you missed it). We’ve seen a dog face filter, scary faces, rabbits and the popular Bob Marley one of the late legend’s face.
There have been so many but this flower crown has become very popular recently after being put up for Coachella. 


Basically, it's super basic, but the Coachella flower crown filter is the best thing to ever happen. It makes your skin look flawless. It brightens your eyes. It SUPERIMPOSES A FLOWER CROWN ON YOUR HEAD. Basically, it makes everyone 10x hotter than they really are and who doesn't need that in their life?
Sister Derbie & Jackie Appiah

Over the hours you’ve used trying that flower crown to fit flawlessly on top of your head, you’ve perhaps speculated at least once: How do Snapchat filters work?

Well, you can show gratitude a Ukrainian company called “Looksery” for the never-ending fun that is the Snapchat filter. As per reports, Snapchat got hold of Looksery in 2015 for $150 million.

You’re well-known with the company’s work already: Have you ever deposited a check over a mobile app? Has Facebook ever detected a face to tag in a photo? Same thing!

The technology gathers pixilation data from the contrasting light and dark areas of the photo, which lets it to decide its position. To correctly apply dog ears or makeup via filter, that same function uses a model of an accessible face to place features, although it needs to face head-on.

A computer vision 3D mask later acts as coordinator to outline your movements.

images below

Kwame Nkrumah

Why Everyone Is Using The Snapchat Coachella Flower Crown filter

Information available to Buzztrendx indicates that contemporary High-Life music legend, Daasebre Gyamenah has died at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra early Friday morning.

A close family member disclosed to Peacefmonline.com.

The award winning artist according to the family was battling with some illness but couldn’t survive in the early hours of Friday.

Family members who confirmed the unfortunate incident said his condition was critical Thursday dawn and was found unconscious.

Biography of Daasebre Gyamenah

MANY are those who know ace highlife singer, Daasebre Gyamenah as “Ahoofe”, a name his fans gave him after the release of his hit song, “Ahoofe”, which literally means beautiful or the handsome one.

One other name that the singer has in his “portmanteau” that many of his fans may not know is Abubakar Siddiq.

Daasebre is a Muslim, and Abubakar Siddiq is his Islamic name.

“Daasebre was born into Islam. His late mother was a Muslim, who died when Daasebre was only five years old.

Daasebre was christened as Kojo Gyamenah and as a royal, he later added “Daasebre” to distinguish himself from others with the same name.

Later on in his life, he adopted the Islamic name in line with his faith.

“As a man of the people, Daasebre does not see why Christians and Muslims should be at each other’s throat over doctrinal differences.

And that is why he has separated his work from his religion to enable him to preach peace and morality to people from different religious backgrounds.

Daasebre was preparing to release a gospel album to underscore his love for God and also thank the Almighty for seeing him through the difficult times he faced in the London jail.

source: peacefmonline.com

Musician Daasebre Gyamenah Dead

Thursday 28 July 2016

I saw this interesting piece written by Sir Article and I decided to share it with you today. YOLO TV series which gained popularity among the youth has arguably impacted a lot ever since its inception.

YOLO does not only seek to entertain but also to inform, educate and also put to bare some of the negative actions which threatens the youth — our choices have consequences – You Only Live Once! Don’t do anything you will regret!

A chunk of young people in Ghana are literally engrossed in YOLO TV Series, arguably the foremost youth oriented television drama in our nation. In fact, it is my most favourite TV series at the moment, because it has really educated me on pressing youth issues in an absolutely fascinating way. If I had the chance to choose between watching YOLO and UEFA Champions League Final, I would avidly watch YOLO and forget the UEFA match.

Moreover, the Daily Guide once published that, “YOLO [is] a professionally pieced television drama series from the stables of Ivan Quarshiga’s Farmhouse Productions… It is a sequel to ‘Things We Do For Love,’ the popular television drama that held the nation spellbound during the late 90’s and 2000’s.” And as a Ghanaian youth who actually adores YOLO TV Series, I hereby present 5 vital lessons the youths can learn from it.

(1) Promiscuity is completely wrong:

Drogba or Bro. Charles, one of my favourite characters, is depicted as promiscuity personified who also flaunts his sexually immoral abilities. Unfortunately, he got exposed to an STI and other sexually related troubles like unwanted pregnancy etc. Therefore, let us shun promiscuity because it is ungodly.

(2) Peer pressure is real, so tread cautiously:

It is almost impossible to terminate all your friendships all in the name of avoiding bad peer pressure. We all have the Drogba figure among our friends who entice us to be naughty. But we can ignore their corrupt way of life and safeguard our personal integrity.

(3) It is good to be a socialiser:

Some are born introverts and some are born extroverts. However, it is quite good to be a socialiser even if you are an introvert, because it will enable you to appreciate and understand a variety of youthful lifestyles. Ha-ha, Cyril, a very timid boy, learnt more about relationship with the opposite sex by hanging out with his friends such as Drogba, George and the like.

(4) Be enlightened on adolescent reproductive health issues:

I believe that ignorance is the greatest disease on earth since it enslaves a multitude of people on a daily basis. I love Emily, Cyril's sweetheart, because she is enlightened on adolescent reproductive health issues unlike most of her wayward female friends. We are all advised to seek knowledge about adolescent reproductive health issues in order to be safe and secure.

(5) Manage your own relationship smartly:

Cyril and Emily handle their untoward relationship issues in a smart manner, to tell the truth. They both apply intelligence when dealing with each other as romantic partners now. This tells us that we ought to be perceptive in our individual relationships, and treat them cleverly.

Credit: Sir Article


 The head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, on Thursday missed a step and fell to the ground while heading to an open-air altar to celebrate Mass at Poland’s holiest shrine of Jasna Gorawas.

A group of other priests raced to help him back to his feet just before the service began. The 79-year-old is said to have suffered no injuries.

Pope Francis was arriving to celebrate a mass at the Southern Black Madonna shrine of Częstochowa to mark the 1,050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland.

Watch the video below:

Pope Francis trips and falls during Mass in Poland

Some month ago, some Ghanaians were shocked to hear whatsapp to be banned forever in Ghana.
Some of us knew it was clearly hoax. Some also were thinking about how their last days on whatsapp would go.
If you missed the fun , here is a copy for you:

" Latest information reaching us indicates that the co founder of the largest Social Media who is also the owner of Whatsapp, Mark Zuckerberg has accepted to ban Ghanaians from using Whatsapp this 1st April as a result of some situations He finds inappropriate.This move came as a result of some research done on all the whatsapp databases across the world.

The decision to ban Ghana according to the Social Media Ruler is as follows:

  •     Ghanaians post a lot of “Pasco” which has caused a virus to attack the whatsapp system.
  •     Ghanaians chat a lot and do not even sleep at night.
  •     Ghanaian Males have broken the world record of using Whatsapp to propose to    more than 50,000 women.
  •     Ghana leading with more pornographic pictures shared online.
  •     Too much editing on their D.p’s.

This means that on 1st April, Ghanaians will no longer have acess to Whatsapp. So, at the moment, we advised all Ghanaians to chat “last hour” because they are going to miss whatsapp forever. "


Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Best Insults In History: Winston Churchill

The extremely witty and much-loved British Prime Minister Winston Churchill tops the list with his verbal spat with Lady Astor. The conservative dame forever admonished Churchill for his cigars and alcohol habits, and Churchill was not one to take the insults lying down. Of their famous squabbles, the most memorable is when Astor commented, “If you were my husband, I’d poison your tea.” Churchill’s riposte? “Madame, if you were my wife, I’d drink it.”


His vocalization of non-violence doesn’t mean Gandhi wasn’t lethal with his wit. One such incident was when Gandhi traveled to London and a reporter asked him what he thought of Western civilization. Gandhi replied with this scathing remark: “I think it would be a good idea.”

Best Insults In History Abraham Lincoln

During a debate, the popular but not so attractive Abraham Lincoln was accused of being two-faced. Lincoln’s rebuttal proved more self-effacing than insulting, but people still felt the sting around the room. He retorted: “If I had two faces, do you think I’d be wearing this one?”

Best Insults In History: Babe Ruth

In the 1920s, the prolific Yankee batsman Babe Ruth was having such a great run that he soon scored a $80,000 salary. But when the financial crisis hit home in the early 1930s, Yankees officials asked Ruth to slash his pay by $5000—a request Ruth declined. At a later press conference an intrepid reporter commented that Ruth had a higher salary than current President Hoover and received a cutting remark: “Maybe so,” Ruth retaliated, “but I had a better year than he did.”
John Wilkes

Histories Funniest Insults John Wilkes

When unconcerned with being diplomatically correct, politicians spew the best insults of all time. Such was the case between the 18th century political rivals, John Montagu and John Wilkes. During one of their verbal sparring matches, Montagu spat at Wilkes and said, “Upon my soul, Wilkes, I don’t know whether you’ll die upon the gallows, or of syphilis.” Wilkes retorted, “That will depend, my Lord, on whether I embrace your principles, or your mistress.”

The Best Insults In History

You’re not a media outlet neither is everyone interesting in all you see. Before I forward a message I often ask myself, “Will you be happy if you’re sent this message?” If not, I abort but if yes I send the message to the interested parties. 

photo credit: pixarbay

WhatsApp messenger is undoubtedly the new black. The Instant Messaging application with multimedia, contact and location sharing features gives its users a real time feel as though the receiver is an inch away.

Religious sects discriminate information via it, students discuss topics of interest in groups, and virtual meetings seem to be catching up fast. Connecting people over long distances without having to pay foreign call tariff.

We segregate the idea of a communication portal from the face-to-face interaction but it’s the same thing. We forget that just like the usual face-to-face communication this platform should have certain dos and don’ts. Gossiping over lunch or on WhatsApp is the same thing.

If these are adhered to you will have less chances of being blocked or ignored by others.

Overusing the emoji


Smiley, emoticon, emoji or whatever you may call it, are those cute looking facial expression and everyday items /symbols added as a keyboard on your WhatsApp keyboard interface. These help express emotions and gives a more physical feel to conversations. Emoji’s send a message to the receiver about your mood and gives them a clearer picture of what you are referring to –like using a crying face when you’re talking about a fun activity you had some days before.

It is fun to use the right emoticons. It gives the feeling that the person is actually paying attention to the conversation.

Not being clear in words and approach


Beating about the bush and long pleasantries is as annoying on WhatsApp as it is in person. Starting random conversations with no purpose is very awkward. Our relationships with others differ, how you talk to a close friend is different form how you will speak to an acquaintance or a boss. Using jargons, Pidgin, or contracted forms of spelling should be avoided. This helps a lot in checking spelling and how to speak properly with people. Not communicating well in writing is very dangerous because words carry their own emotions and meaning when combined together.

Being part of a rumor chain

“Breaking news X”, “Company Y has done this’ or even “WhatsApp has brought A or B”, these are often hoax. How do you feel about someone who is always spreading rumors? Pissed? Same here. Don’t be that person please!

Be authentic, and forward the right messages to the right people. It positions you as the one who gives reliable information, but this doesn’t mean you should send it all. This leads to the next sin

Forwarding all messages

You’re not a media outlet neither is everyone interesting in all you see. Before I forward a message I often ask myself, “Will you be happy if you’re sent this message?” If not, I abort but if yes I send the message to the interested parties.

I bet you don’t want to be the one always sending irrelevant messages.

 Not waiting for a reply before sending another message

It is thirst if you do this, seriously. Wait for a reply before sending again, give the receiver room to digest the message and send a reply. It speaks of your patience, esteem and worth.

If it needs an urgent reply, do well to inform the recipient in the initial message. Send messages on time.

Adding people to groups without their consent

Why should this be a problem? But it is, sadly. It is so annoying to be added to a group you have no idea about. You see, doing this shows thirst and attention seeking. You don’t want to be that person whom everyone complains about because of the random groups you create.

Joining each group that you are welcomed to

Never join a group if it has no primary importance to you. Remember also that you don’t have to be everywhere, scarcity is good. Silence is golden!

Using display pictures without prior consent

Display picture theft is as serious as identity theft. Get your own identity stop being the copycat. If you still want to use another’s picture seek prior consent and don’t use it if rejected. You can take random pictures of things around and use if you’re camera shy.

Messaging At Unearthly Hours

What I call Free-night-texting freaks some people out. It is like knocking someone’s door at night. Send the messages at convenient periods.
Sending one word answers

What’s more annoying than sending an entire paragraph and getting “OK” for an answer? Really? Don’t be that person. Take time to read through your chats and give them the needed attention they deserve.

Broadcasting irrelevant content to people

Broadcast was created to literally broadcast, knowing your audience is important. Who to send what to is imperative in getting engagement and not spamming recipients

Leaving notification sounds on in public

No one needs to hear your notification tone!  If your phone’s vibration mode is loud just mute the entire thingy and just check the device at regular intervals. Let others be comfortable.

Blocking for trivial reasons

Especially with females, they block like something. Try ignoring random/ annoying users for a reasonable period, but if it persists feel free to block. Keep in mind that you may never know when you may need the person.

Sharing private information

There is a server that stores all you send via the messenger, even though you may delete the conversation. You also cannot confirm the credibility of every user or whoever may set eyes on your messages. Nudes, credentials, house address, current locations, and all in between should be shared when extremely necessary. Calling the receiver to deliver such information is the best.

Not deactivating your account if you’re not using it

There’s nothing more annoying than sending messages to someone who doesn’t use their account anymore. It’s like talking to space.

Staying Silent

Either you are in or out!

Unnessary Use of Some Famous terms 

Some chatting terms have been fond be to be used mercifully nowadays. These include "Pasco" meaning seen before , " LOL" ,"OK" ,"K"-very annoying and others.

Credit: www.darteyobeng.com 

What You Have Been Doing Wrongly On Whatsapp